I don’t know about you but I hate clichés. I hate songs that have lyrics that reach for them as predictable solutions for rhyming couplets… ‘Tomorrow is another day’, ‘Down on my knees begging please’, pretty much any mention of a road (‘road going nowhere’), things that ‘cut like a knife’… you will, I suspect, have your own pet hates. Now, my objection to clichés is not that they are factually wrong (well, usually not, roads always go SOMEWHERE). My issue is that the hackneyed phrase concerned has appeared like a linguistic tick to fill the space where the person uttering it couldn’t conjure something original to say. Or perhaps it’s that, once the well-known phrase starts, the entirely predictable nature of its ending, means that I know the next two seconds will be a waste of my life! Often clichés end up being a mix of two psychological phenomena: […]

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