Meet Willow, she’s going to be helping me with various psychological projects over the coming months. You may recall a previous article where I reviewed a study that looked at how the hormone released when we see an image like that of a puppy (oxytocin) had been shown to increase donations in response to adverts for good causes (here’s a link), and people reported empathising more with the focus of the ad they had seen. This is a case of misattribution: we experience an ‘instinctive’ reaction in our unconscious mind, and misdirect the resulting feeling to something else we encounter around the same time. Of course, you can’t go around squirting hormones up people’s noses, but you can surround your product with oxytocin-inducing imagery (Willow is available for photo shoots, but growing very quickly). Whipping out a picture of a puppy isn’t necessarily that easy either. But there are lots […]

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