Learning from Bus Buddhists
In psychological terms, context is almost everything. Much as we like to think that we know how we will act and react in a given situation, without the richness of...
Too Much Choice: Part IV
Christian and Sonya raised an interesting conundrum with their question in reply to my last post.
“In a category like breakfast cereal, are the manufacturers hurting themselves by having so many brands and varieties within those brands?”
There are two aspects to this from a retail marketing and consumer behaviour perspective.
The brands are doing themselves a favour (with an approach that was started by the cigarette manufacturers many decades ago): by proliferating the number of brand options you increase the likelihood that someone will choose one of your brands (and they basically don’t care which the customer takes so long as it’s one of theirs). This makes it much, much harder for a new entrant to take market share away.
The retailers however are not helping their cause. It’s been found in one study of European supermarkets, that those who stock a smaller ranges sell more in total than those that stock a larger one.
This probably happens for a couple of reasons:
So in these situations the retailer would be well advised to resist the demands of the manufacturers to carry extra lines. Depending on the size of the retailer that’s sometimes not easy because the brands involved are powerful. It’s also something that those brands will use as a bargaining point when the retailer squeezes them to reduce cost (which ironically may end up costing the retail more than they save).
Thanks for your question!
Hi Philip,
Would be interesting if you could give us a perspective of why a consumer would pick a brand over say another or a no name(supermarkets own) brand
What make the consumer choose??
Great post
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oh, I LIKE Duane’s question indeed!
yes yes!
although, with cereals that I DO like (since weight loss surgery and a physically SMALL stomach, I just about NEVER eat cereal anymore.) I do taste test the storebrand ones.
And in MOST cases preferred the brand cereal’s taste and switched back.
but then I’ll buy the LARGE size to be frugal where I can. 🙂 which most families are needing to do in SOME area of their lives these days with the current economy.
All the best,
April Braswell
Online Dating Coach, Dating Expert
Can retailers really resist the demands of the biggies?
The DIY Lawyer
DIY Lawyer – Where you can learn to do your own estate planning
Thanks for adressing our question! Reminds me of when my niece first went to college and went to buy groceries on her own. She said she went to buy “orange juice”. She said she didn’t know there were so many KINDS of orange juice and she just got overwhelmed and in the end SHE DID NOT BUY ANY!
Glamour and Glitz
And you keep adding value!
Great stuff Philip.
Really well researched.
JJ Jalopy
Life Coaching and Home Business Advice with JJ Jalopy
This is going to be tough for us. We want to make it on the web but where do we focus or draw the line.
Great post
Bob Kaufer
If you MOVE like the Tin Man, you will THINK like the Scarecrow and FEEL like the Lion
I suspect some of the big boys proliferate brand extensions so that they can suck up all the avaliable shelf space in the stores… think of soda pop and all the endless variations of Coke.
Seize the Day,
Personal Asset Protection For Small Business Owners
Have You Covered Your Assets?
Appreciate the response to the question. Sometimes you jsut want to walk out without buying a thing. Becasuse I will have a variety products on my site before this is all done, I’m looking forward to the rest of your material.
Hi Phillip,
Great information once again. This makes it interesting on my site as we have many color’s of customized housing that customers can choose from.
Gives us consideration that we should just target our products to fewer choices.
Mitchell Rehaume
Your Mobile Expert!
Thanks for that post.
I can see the value each time I read. The research can be used in every business. Thanks agai.
Lynn Lane
Good insights, as always!
It’s never one size fits all as we carefully consider each situation on it sown merits.
So your analysis, while applying the fundamental principles, needto consdier the overall impacts when each principles seems to clash with one another in any individual case.
Same as analysing a personality using Pure Numerology for understanding personalities for better influennce & persuasion. Even though each number hs its own meaning, it’s the combination of them that gives the varied combined meaning.
John Ho
Understanding Personalities for Better Influence & Persuasion (WordPress)
Understanding Personalities for Better Influence & Persuasion (Vox Blog)
Good information. The more a company can differentiate their product, the better. Mark
Glacier Marketing
Glacier Ice Cream
It’s interesting-I hate going to Subway [the sandwich shop]. There are so many CHOICES to make right down to multiple kinds of bread!
And I don’t stop there very much anymore, I would rather just skip lunch.
Good insights
I’ve made sales to grocery stores and know that one of their big laments is limited shelf space. Good comment, Philip, about how they cut their own sales volume by having all these choices. Wish I had this info when I needed it.
Business Owners Fast Track to Internet Profits
I understand the Aldi (think costco) wholesale chain works on the principle of less choices, allowing smaller stores.
Don Shepherd
oregon or bust
This is getting more and more interesting. Small independent retailers would benefit from following your advice.
All the best,
Apparently some people make the wrong decision when faced with just TWO choices! I am now blogging from WordPress as so many could not comment on my vox site.
Sunny marie
Glamour and Glitz
As usual, another interesting and informative post. You always provide great insights and much food for thought. I look forward to reading your next post.
Very interesting post. I look forward to reading more.
Great insights about choices. I found this paragraph fascinating:
The retailers however are not helping their cause. It’s been found in one study of European supermarkets, that those who stock a smaller ranges sell more in total than those that stock a larger one
Looking forward to learning more.
Very interesting information. It caused me to think about the grocery store I usually shop in, and how they carry many, many different brands of cereal. I also thought about the fact that despite the number of different cereals they stock, I always get the same 1 or 2 cereals and, generally, don’t consider any others. I guess I’m on automatic pilot when cereal shopping, and I do what’s easiest — pick the cereal I’m already familiar with.
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