BBC Hereford & Worcester
Why do we get drawn into subscriptions and then struggle to leave. Philip explains some of the consumer psychology involved with Jonathan Ray.
The Independent
Does the Lipstick Effect really exist? Why is that people spend more on little luxuries when times are hard? Philip contributed to this article in The Independent?
BBC Radio
Discussing wacky warnings on packs with BBC Hereford’s Malcolm Boydon – do we need to be told not to close a hot tub lid when we’re in one, or that we should remove the child before folding a push chair? Philip discusses why these warnings exist.
The website Shepherd.com asked Philip to create a list of his favourite books on a subject he is passionate about. His list of “The best books to understand consumers (and your consumer self)” has just been published (you can read it here).
GB News
What are the prospects for the High Street after the pandemic? Philip discusses how challenging it could be to recover with De Piero and Halligan.
Talk Radio
Discussing the governments “right to repair” rules with Ian Collins. Will consumers really turn to repairs rather than replacement, why wasn’t an initiative like this trialled and what might the unintended consequences be?
The Times
With the UK housing market going crazy, Philip was interviewed by Carol Lewis at The Times to discuss the psychology behind some of the house-buying behaviour occurring at the moment.
Jazz FM
How deals are being used to lure customers back to the shops and how community websites can help shoppers identify which deals are genuinely good and which aren’t.
Sky News
Discussing how shops are attracting customers back after lockdown ended.
Cambridge 105: Anti Microbial Resistance
COVID-19 has created a focus on health and healthcare, but other health-related threats are lurking. Philip discusses the challenges of antimicrobial resistance, linked to the Change the Course report that he helped develop.
Talk Radio – Recession
With Debenhams announcing more job losses, Philip talks about how recession news can impact consumers (even when they aren’t financially affected themselves).
BBC Hereford & Worcester
Why do people often buy the same product, go to the same holiday destination or order the same meal? Philip explains the evolutionary preference not to think, paradox of choice and importance of loss aversion in consumer behaviour.
Talk Radio – Pants!
Philip discusses why men claim to buy pants with remarkable infrequency and the associations that drive different consumer behaviour.
China Global Television Network
Philip discusses the psychology behind people stockpiling items like toilet paper during the Corona Virus pandemic.
BBC Hereford & Worcester
Why do people spend so much and indulge so much at Christmas? Philip discusses the psychology of Christmas consumer behaviour with Elliot Webb.
BBC Coventry & Warwickshire: Which? Customer Service Survey Nonsense
Philip explains why the Which? Customer Service survey is ultimately meaningless, why RyanAir shouldn’t take notice of it and how hospital customer evaluations have been shown to be dependent on how much morphine you give patients.
Talk Radio: Videoing Shoppers and Influencing Customer Behaviour
As the scandal around market research outfit SBXL hit the headlines, Matthew Wright wanted to know how videoing shoppers might lead to their “emotions and behaviour” being “manipulated. Philip joined the The Matthew Wright Show team to share his consumer psychology experience and expertise.
Fake Amazon Reviews
Philip discusses the challenge of fake Amazon reviews with BBC Radio Nottingham’s Carshon Wishart and gave some tips on what people should look out for.
Product Placement
Does product placement work? Is the campaign currently using ITV2’s Love Island having an impact? Philip talks to Malcolm Boyden about the way in which product placement can influence what we buy.
BBC Hereford & Worcester
A review has been set up to look at the environmental impact of cheap clothing. Why do we buy cheap clothes, especially when we don’t need new ones. Philip talks to Kate Justice about the psychology behind our shopping behaviour.
BBC Suffolk
What impact might the proposed merger of Asda and Sainsbury’s have; are consumers really loyal; how is shopping behaviour changing? Philip is interviewed by Graham Barnard on the breakfast show.
BBC Hereford & Worcester
Why are we so keen to buy celebrity fitness DVDs and will we get the results they do? Philip discusses why our brains are susceptible to this marketing trick.
BBC National Radio (On Air)
As snow falls and stocks run low, people have been panic buying. Is telling people to calm down likely to work? Why do people want things more when they hear they’re in short supply. Philip explains and recounts unfortunate incident from a Greek holiday, when he thought the free wine might be running out (but wasn’t).
BBC Hereford & Worcester
Does Philip know the price of white loaf? Apparently not. Philip is challenged on the morning show by Malcolm Boyden and, like most people (according to a recent survey), gets the answer wrong. He also discusses how the way we buy influences our knowledge of prices and whether contactless payments are to blame for people’s price blindness.
The Sunday Times
Why weren’t designed for Christmas shopping: an article on how our usually reasonably dependable unconscious mind can put at risk when there’s a must-buy Christmas present on our radar.
Talk Radio with Mike Graham
Philip discusses Tesco’s problematic turkeys, Boxing Day sale behaviour and how what we buy is driven, in part, by evolutionary psychology.
BBC Hereford & Worcester
After a journalist gets his fake restaurant, The Shed in Dulwich, to be London’s top ranked restaurant on Trip Advisor, Philip discusses why people use review sites and why some people will always try to manipulate the system.
BBC Bristol
Black Friday is here again; are the sales good news for shoppers? Philip discusses the psychology of sales shopping and why we often get more pleasure from things that we pay a higher price for.
BBC Hereford & Worcester
Shopping habits are changing. Philip explains why the trend towards last minute decisions about what to eat at home are likely to become the norm and why we’ll pay more, plan less and eat less well as a result.
Food Matters Live: 21-23 November
Philip will be speaking at Food Matters Live at the ExCeL London, discussing tackling obesity in the eating out of home sector, with Pru Leith, Dr Alison Tedsotone (Public Health England) and Hannah Squirrell (Greggs).
BBC Hereford & Worcester
Does where we choose to sit on a plane reveal anything about our real character; Philip plays the game with a PR story being pedalled by a travel business wanting consumers to think about taking a flight.
BBC Local Radio Weeknight Show
Georgey Spanswick picks up the conversation about pet names in shops for the Evening Show (which is aired across the UK). Jasper (Philip’s dog) makes his first appearance on national radio, discussing his frustration about being on the other side of a door.
BBC Hereford & Worcester
Is it OK for people in shops to use pet names? Philip discusses the challenge of creating a service culture without creating service robots with Andrew Easton.
Discussing the move towards a cashless society with Nick Ferrari on LBC’s weekday breakfast show.
BBC Cymru Wales
Should companies be stopped from up-selling? Philip discusses the way consumers make decisions on the Good Evening Wales show.
BBC Radio 4: You and Yours
Philip discusses the resurgence of ‘honesty’ boxes in the UK.
BBC Hereford & Worcester
Discussing how the way in which we watch advertising has changed, why we don’t look to adverts for entertainment any more and why we can still be influenced by adverts that we fast forward through.
Talk Radio
Black Friday sales: why do consumers get drawn in, are they being taken for a ride and what is that causes people to spend on a shopping event that doesn’t really make sense outside the USA?
The Next Edge Summit 2016: Boston MA
Philip took part in a panel discussion on the importance of behaviour change in healthcare. His views on the folly of pursuing patient centricity, patient engagement and patient motivation to improve health outcomes caused a stir (particularly with people who have spent a lot of time convinced that these are a worthwhile focus).
The Psychology of Taste
Philip has undertaken a series of talks (at least eight) to dieticians, explaining how the unconscious mind works and its implications when they are encouraging malnourished patients to eat. Philip’s work was supported by Abbott.
BBC Scotland
Discussing the implications of further restrictions on the marketing of formula milk for infants.
BBC Local Radio (Various)
The 5p levy on plastic bags has had a dramatic effect on consumer behaviour. Is it really this easy to change what people do? Philip explains why the levy has been effective in this context and why it might not translate quite so well to other areas.
The Marketing Society – Dubai
A talk on consumer behaviour, the role of the unconscious mind and its implications for market research.
BBC Hereford & Worcester
The aggressive fund-raising tactics of charities are in the spotlight; should we be concerned about how they raise money? Philip talks to Elliot Webb.
BBC Hereford & Worcester
They’re bringing back the man from the Milk Tray ad! Philip discusses why brands reach into their advertising pasts and whether or not he might be the next ‘Milk Tray Man’ (he probably won’t be).
Professional Beauty
With men showing an increasing interest in cosmetic products, how can spas and salons do more to attract male customers and increase sales? An interview with Susie Bearne.
Daily Telegraph
What’s behind the boom in women cycling accessories? Philip was interviewed by the Daily Telegraph.
BBC London
Why have M&S put ‘pick your own’ strawberries into their flagship store and started spraying berry smells as people walk through the door? Philip discusses the psychology involved (and why this isn’t the future of retail) with Penny Smith.
Catch the Bus Week
On stations across the country discussing the benefits of bus travel.
The Financial Times
Where did the pollsters go wrong and why wasn’t this a surprise? Philip discusses market research with William Leith.
BBC Hereford & Worcester
Bargain blindness – a new term for something that’s as old as the idea of giving shoppers a discount! Philip gives his perspective on Malcolm Boyden’s show.
BBC National Radio
Discussing impulse buys at the checkout and the new ban on displaying cigarettes in convenience stores with Georgey Spanswick.
Oracle: The Myth of Customer Loyalty
In conjunction with Oracle, Philip has written a paper on the merits of thinking differently about customer loyalty: Dogs are Loyal, Customers Aren’t
The Telegraph
Exploring why British men are less into spas than their European cousins (link).
MRS Impact 2015
Philip will be presenting with Innocent’s Olivia Taylor on March 17th in a segment entitled Outside the Box: Testing the untestable?
BBC Radio Suffolk
Discussing why bars of soap are disappearing from our homes – an interesting example of loss aversion, social proof and ease combining to create consumer change.
BBC TV: The Men Who Made us Spend
Philip appeared in the recent BBC2 series presented by Jacques Peretti talking about the psychology of making payment easy for consumers.
Connected Health Symposium
Philip will be participating in the Partners HealthCare’s 11th Annual Connected Health Symposium: Connected Health in Practice – Engaging Patients and Providers Outside of Traditional Care Settings, October 23-24, 2014, at Boston’s Seaport Hotel & World Trade Center.
Illegal Downloads
Discussing the psychology of downloading copyright material from the internet on BBC Hereford and Worcester
Contextual Personalisation
“From All to One: The Psychology of Contextual Personalisation” is the title of the talk Philip will be making at Webtrends’ event in London on May 20th.
BBC Radio 2
Philip was invited onto Jeremy Vine’s popular lunchtime show to discuss the rising problem of people stealing from supermarkets when they use self-service checkouts.
BBC Five Live
Discussing supermarket shopping behaviour in light of Tesco announcing that their profits had fallen.
BBC Hereford & Worcester
With the debate about Pay Day Loans companies raging and a rise of companies like BrightHouse offering consumer goods on relatively expensive credit agreements, Philip discussed why consumers are attracted to such apparently expensive ways of borrowing and buying.
At the annual conference of the Art and Antique Dealers Association (LAPADA) at the House of Lords chaired by Lord Chadlington, Philip joined a number of speakers including Sir Stuart Rose. His talk focused on how big brands leverage consumer psychology in ways that the organisation’s retailers might be able to leverage too.
BBC Hereford & Worcester
With a story appearing suggesting that a savvy shopper has bought all her food and presents for £100 using vouchers, Philip discussed the psychology of vouchers and coupons and how consumers should use them to really save money.
Philip was interviewed for Tonight: the episode will be aired in late January.
BBC Coventry & Warwickshire
Chelsea footballer (and multimillionaire) John Terry was ‘spotted’ shopping in a Poundworld triggering a debate about who uses ‘Pound’ shops and whether they are really delivering good value.
Philip has been filming with the BBC for a programme to be shown in the Spring of 2014.
BBC Five Live
With research suggesting that the average household throws away the equivalent of six meals every week, Philip explained why drawing people’s attention to this would make very little difference (and followed this up with an article here).
BBC Five Live
As Tesco announces that they will be using facial scanning to target advertising in their petrol forecourts, Philip discusses what retailers can glean from looking at their customers.
BBC Radio Coventry & Warwickshire
On the 20th anniversary of QVC, talking about the psychological appeal of TV shopping channels.
BBC Hereford & Worcester
Discussing the rise in counterfeit goods: why do consumers buy products that they know are fakes?
Consumer.ology is Released in Paperback
My 2010 ‘Amazon Top Ten Best Business Book’, Consumer.ology, is now available in a revised paperback edition (and in Kindle too).
Rabobank Advisory Board: Berlin
Philip will be speaking about the psychology of the ‘hybrid consumer’ at Rabobank’s annual event in Berlin in April.
US News: Is Twitter the Next QVC?
Contribution to an article by Daniel Bortz for US News’ Money & Personal Finance pages (available here).
HEC Alumni Group Talk
An interactive evening on Philip’s favourite topic – How Consumers Think, and Why You Shouldn’t Ask them Questions – with alumni from the Parisian business school, HEC.
BBC News / BBC Radio Oxford / BBC Radio Coventry
There’s been a lot of interest from the media lately on the ways that shops influence us to spend more: after being intereviewed for an article on the BBC News website, two local radio stations were interested in discussing it further.
Online Retail Vs The High Street – Ulster Business
Interviewed about the appeal of online shopping to consumers and why high street retailers have been slow to react. The article is available here.
BBC Five Live
A late night discussion with Tony Livesey about consumer trust.
BBC Radio Scotland
Discussing the influence of packaging on supermarket shoppers with Fred MacAuley.
July 2012
Behavioural Economics Event
Philip joined former Cabinet Secretary, Lord O’Donnell and Unilever’s Richard Wright to discuss the commercial opportunities and market research implications of behavioural economics for an invited audience at Frontier Economics in London.
June 2012
Slogans in the Social Lexicon
An interview with the Financial Times on how brands use memes. (Link)
Radio Five Live
Philip discussed the popularity of vouchers with consumers, on the Tony Livesy show.
May 2012
New Consultancy Website
Philip’s consumer research consultancy company, Shift, has been rebranded and now has a new webiste. Shift provides companies with access to consumer insight that is grounded in psychology and behavioural economics. (www.shiftconsultancy.co.uk).
BBC Radio Bristol
Discussing on-line retailing, the High Street and Clinton Cards going into administration on the John Darvall show.
April 2012
Pharmaceutical Portfolio & Life Cycle Management Conference
Explaining why ignoring your customers can enhance your chances of success.
March 2012 BBC Radio 4: You and Yours
Discussing the psychology of the panic buying of petrol when there isn’t even a shortage. You can read a related article here.
Flourish Breakfast Event
Philip gave an interactive presentation about consumer psychology to a select group of invited guests for the event company Flourish. “It was very insightful (and fun!)”, according to one attendee.
Daily Mail: Confessions of a Stock Cube Stockpiler
Interviewed for an article on the hoarding of groceries in middle class homes. (Link)
BBC Radio Merseyside
Discussing the psychology of choice on Simon Hoban’s Drivetime show.
February 2012
Adobe Webinar Released
The webinar that I did with Adobe has now been released. You can see and hear it by following this link.
Interview with The Street
Will we always need cash? Read Philip’s contribution to the debate from the interview he did with The Street.
BBC Radio Merseyside
Discussing the problems consumers can have managing choice with Simon Hoban on his drivetime show.
January 2012
BBC One Pilot
Philip joined actor/presenter Larry Lamb for the recording of a pilot show for a BBC1 daytime programme. BBC Radio Scotland Discussing the psychology surrounding the decision of people at Ascot to put stickers on the badges of guests in their Premier enclosure who were deemed to be wearing clothes that didn’t match the guest code. (MacAuley & Co).
Foothills Writers Guild (South Carolina)
A talk to the delightful members of the Foothills Writers Guild in South Carolina about the psychology of publishers and book buyers.
December 2011
The FT: Bidding for Christmas Pudding
Interviewed by the FT’s Rhymer Rigby about the phenomenon of advertised Christmas products becoming the focus of inflated bids on auction sites. (Link: subscription only)
The Fifth Column: The Art of Complaining
An interview with Dougal Patmore for a podcast about customer complains.
The Scotsman: Scrooge – Christmas Presents on the Cheap
Comment on shifts in consumer behaviour for The Scotsman in the role deals play in shopping in a recession.
Bloomberg: Big Brother Watches as Stores Seek More Detail
Comment for an article for Bloomberg on new technology being used to measure and monitor consumer behaviour.
The Marketer Column: Marketing in a Dip
Philip’s first column for the CIM The Marketer magazine has been published.
The Marketer Column
Philip will be writing a column on consumer psychology for the Chartered Institute of Marketing’s magazine – The Marketer in 2012.
Coming Soon… Adobe Webinar
Philip will be linking up with Adobe to produce a webinar for Europe and N.America: How to Ignore Your Customers (and not get fired)!
Loss Aversion in Marketing
Ten radio and press interviews in two days about how the abundance of deals in retail are influencing consumer behaviour, supporting Phones4U’s new strategy of finding the best deals for their customers in the complex mobile phone market.
The Psychology of Now
Interviewed for WWD.com about consumer behaviour.
Superbrands or Not?
Feature for Cambridge Business about what really makes a brand super!
BBC News Website
Why has hummus been such a hit with consumers? Philip’s views were sought by the BBC.
BBC Radio Bristol
Talking to John Darvall about the impact of charity shops on the High Street and the UK economy (continued in my blog).
BBC Radio Newcastle
Discussing the art of complaining with Jonathen Miles.
Interview with Macleans in Canada
Philip explains why consumers have a wardrobe bias towards summer clothing.
The Food and Drink Innovation Network
Following his presentation in May, Philip has been asked to bring together a group of people to share some of the latest thinking in how to make the NPD process better. Visitwww.fdin.org.uk for all the details.
Live Webinar!
Join Philip for a live discussion with IDEAPharma about his book Consumer.ology (www.ideapharma.com), October 6th, 5pm London Time.
Radio 5 Live – Tony Livesy
Discussing the impact on consumers of the IMF’s statement about the greater risk of a double-dip recession and looming econonmic gloom.
BBC Radio Scotland – Selling Techniques
How do salespeople try and persuade us to buy? A discussion with Fred on MacCauley & Co for BBC Radio Scotland.
BBC Radio Ulster
More discussion about the ailing economy and the psychological impact of the bad news being reported in the media as a result of the IMF’s latest review of the global economy.
New Website Feature
The site has now grown to the point where there are in excess of one hundred articles available to visitors. A search facility was long overdue and has now been added to the main site menus.
Cambridge Evening News
Philip was interviewed about the UK riots, in particular the media reports of use of Blackberry’s Messenger (BBM) feature, and what impact this might have on the Blackberry brand. (Read more).
The CMO Site: University 2011
Philip’s presentation, Evaluating the True Value of Any Consumer Insight, is available to listen to on-line (with accompanying slide download).
July 2011
The CMO Site: University 2011
Philip will be giving a talk on August 4 on Evaluating the True Value of Any Consumer Insight. Visit www.thecmosite.com for more details of this free event.
BBC Radio Scotland
Chatting with MacAuley & Co about the psychology of getting tasks completed.
Ten Original Thinkers, Ten Big Ideas to Shape the UK’s Recovery
Philip named alongside Dr Rachel Armstrong and Sahar Hashemi as someone whose ideas (on market research) “will help shape Britain’s recovery” by the Institute of Directors’ Directormagazine.
The Financial Times
Philip was interviewed for an article on how companies should handle difficult customer requests (The FT).
BBC Radio Bristol
Discussing Nudge theory and the House of Lords review (and diet drinks) with John Darvell.
Christopher Elliot quoted Philip in his article on how companies use research to justify “really dumb decisions”.
June 2011
Consumer.ology Reviewed
Professor John Fahy reviewed Consumer.ology in his blog: “This is a well-researched, lucidly written book that will force the market research industry to address some fairly troubling questions about what it does and how it does it.” Read the full review here.
The Food and Drink Innovation Network
Presentation on Packaging and the Consumer Mind during a day dedicated to Putting Packaging at the Heart of New Product Development.
In the News
Interviews with the FT and The Daily Telegraph for forthcoming articles involving consumer psychology.
BBC Radio Scotland
Discussing the psychology of business cards with MacAulay & Co.
May 2011
Consumer.ology in Seven Languages
Consumer.ology is now (or soon will be) available in seven languages. English, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), China, Russia and Vietnamese.
The EU Consumer Affairs Unit
An invitation to Brussels to visit the European Union’s Consumer Affairs unit provided a fascinating opportunity to understand the work being done by this team and talk about the role and influence of market research.
The Royal Agricultural Society
Philip was invited to speak to the RAS at their Pig & Poultry Live event. The event focused on proposed changes to animal feeds and Philip’s presentation addressed the nature of consumer behaviour and why what customers say isn’t necessarily what counts.
USA Today
USA Today interviewed Philip about McDonalds new stores and the role of environments on consumer behaviour.
April 2011
BBC: Cardboard Boxes
Cardboard boxes used to be picked up for free from supermarkets when you needed them. Now many people buy them instead. Philip was interviewed by the BBC about this shift in consumer behaviour.
WSYR-AM Syracuse NY
Interviewed about Consumer.ology and the psychology of shopping.
Attracting Male Shoppers
Interviewed for an article at www.dealnews.com
A New Record!
Philip was interviewed by seven US radio stations in two days about Consumer.ology. These included stations in Omaha, Philadelphia, Texas and LA.
Writing for the Marketing Elite
Philip’s article on the important lessons marketers can learn from Red Bull was published at The CMO Site.
March 2011
Digital Marketing Forum
Philip spoke at the Digital Marketing Forum in London: Spotlight on the Digital Media Consumer.
BBC Radio Scotland
MacAulay & Co interviewed Philip on the thorny question of lending money to friends.
iPad2: Demand Trumps Supply
Philip explained to cnet.com why shortages of the new Apple iPad2 have a dramatic unconscious impact on its desirability.
USA and Canada Radio
Interest in Consumer.ology in North America has led to lots of requests for radio interviews: KGO (San Francisco), WIP (Philadelphia), CJOB (Manitoba), WOCM (Ocean City), WGTD (Milwaukee), WDEV (Burlington), WPHM (Detroit), WRVC (Huntingdon), Lifestyle Talk Radio (syndicated nationally), Radio America (nationally syndicated), WSYR (Syracuse), WAQY (Springfield-Hartford), WLW (Cincinatti).
February 2011
Speaking at the 2011 LAPADA Conference A talk about retail psychology to LAPADA: The Association of Art and Antique Dealers at their annual conference at The Wallace Collection in London.
Consumer.ology in Korean
A Korean translation of Consumer.ology is now available from Goodbooks Publishing.
January 2011
Radio Interview with Financial Expert Alvin Hall
Discussing how to cut back on luxuries now that Christmas spending is coming home to roost on BBC Radio Scotland’s Call Kaye show.
Consumer.ology Reviewer Sees the Application to Research
“…I should hate this book…” but “… I love this book and would recommend it to anyone conducting market research…” Katie Delahaye Paine
Featured in The Times
All the Tricks of the Trade – how the shops get us to spend more (and how they will turn the VAT increase to their advantage) – interview by Jake Wallis Simons.
BBC Local Radio
Behavioural insight hits the headlines with the British Government publicising its Behavioural Insight Team (the problem of buying drinks in rounds). BBC Berkshire and BBC Bristol interviewed Philip to discuss the psychology behind the story.
December 2010
Amazon Award Consumer.ology a ‘Best of 2010’ Accolade
Whilst only released at the end of September, Consumer.ology was recognised by Amazon UK as one of the ‘top ten’ best releases of the year in the Business, Finance & Law category.
The Sunday Express
With the ‘January Sales’ upon us, The Sunday Express wanted to learn more about the science of shopping; how do the stores get us to buy at this time of year?
Interviewed by BNet
Discussing the “Secret Lies of Market Research” – the title an application of behavioural insight from television programme titles to attract readers to the article.
November 2010
Consumer.ology Reviewed by The Scotsman
Consumer.ology is reviewed by The Scotsman who decide it’s “… thought-provoking stuff…” for business and non-business readers.
The Mind Gap
Speaking at a London event to explain why ‘psychological confidence’ should be the primary concern (rather than statistical confidence) when conducting market research.
October 2010
Steve Wright in the Afternoon
Philip discusses Consumer.ology and the psychology of shopping with Steve Wright, Tim Smith and Jamie Lee Grace on BBC Radio 2.
A Recommended Read
Both Heffers bookshop (Cambridge) and The Book Depository make Consumer.ology a recommended title.
Speaking at Leeds University
Philip talks to marketing post-graduates about consumer psychology and market research.
September 2010
Book launch interviews
To publicise the launch of Consumer.ology, Philip is interviewed by BBC Radio 4, The World Service and TalkRadio Europe.
Speaking at ABRAS (Brazil)
Philip talks about the importance of understanding the consumer’s unconscious mind and how to do it at the 44th ABRAS event (the Brazilian association of supermarket retailers) in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Consumer.ology is Published
Consumer.ology: The Market Research Myth, the Truth about Consumers and the Psychology of Shopping is published by Nicholas Brealey Publishing in the UK.