The Amazing Unconscious Mind

The Amazing Unconscious Mind

In my first book, Consumer.ology, I investigated the importance of the unconscious mind in consumer behaviour. There is now a wealth of evidence that shows how it is the unconscious mind that can be significant in shaping how consumers behave, and indeed, whether they buy or not. A lot of consumer behaviour is habitual; we quickly pass the processes that we’ve learned into our unconscious mind and let it take control of much of what we do. This is certainly a much more efficient way of existing (and this, I suspect, explains why we’ve evolved this way). Consider a supermarket shop. Imagine not knowing any of the brands, where anything was, or how to make good decisions about what’s good value for money and what isn’t: it would take hours to shop for your weekly groceries. Instead we have lots of short cuts. We “know” that bulk buying is usually cheaper, […]

Marketing Influence: Do You Want to See a Puppy?

Marketing Influence: Do You Want to See a Puppy?

Often, psychologists and neuroscientists are playing a game of ‘catch-up’ with marketing people. In our attempts to understand consumer behaviour we are looking for underlying mechanisms that can be identified and replicated, and that explain why something that we’ve seen used in marketing has been successful (or why something that seems illogical happens nevertheless). Great creatives – those who make the ads that cause us to want and like brands – often have an intuitive understanding of what will resonate with people and influence consumer behaviour. Cast your mind across adverts that you’ve seen over the years and consider the common themes: Beautiful women Bright lighting / sunshine Healthy faces Puppys (young animals, cute animals) Cute kids A suggestion of romance between people in the ad (or general sex appeal) Humour Music and rhythmic phrases I’m not claiming that my list is rigorously researched or the result of systematic analysis, […]

Consumer Behaviour: Secrets of the Herd

Consumer Behaviour: Secrets of the Herd

In Consumer.ology I talk about how other people influence our own consumer behaviour.  From our unconscious desire to copy what we see other individuals doing, to fads that sweeps through lots of the people around us, we are social creatures who have evolved to follow other people. Whilst we might all like the idea that we’re free spirits, charting our own path through the world, the reality is that we’ve evolved to play it safe; and that means doing the thing that is demonstrably ‘OK’ because everyone else is doing it. Recently a study examined how social networking sites can drive the uptake of new items and, specifically, looked at what made the difference between something gaining widespread social acceptance and not getting that traction. By analysing the installation of 100 million apps through Facebook (all with anonymous data in case you were starting to feel nervous) they were able to track the […]

Predicting the Winners at the London 2012 Olympics: Clues to Successful Sponsorship

Predicting the Winners at the London 2012 Olympics: Clues to Successful Sponsorship

Although we’re over a year away from the London 2012 Olympics the commercial competition to be part of this amazing spectacle is already running. A quick check reveals more than 40 brands that are linked to this event in some form or another: “Worldwide Partners”, “Official Partners”, “Official Supporters” and “Official Suppliers”. So what’s in it for a sponsor? After all, we’re watching the athletes not the advertising banners. And why might some of these brands do much better as a result of their sponsorship than others? The Unconscious Marketing ‘Victim’ Whilst you will not be directing your conscious attention at the names dotted around the stadium, your powerful unconscious mind will be picking it up anyway. This will have three important consequences: firstly, you will be more likely to find yourself thinking about those brands than you otherwise would have done. Secondly, when you encounter those brands you will […]