Five reasons why people don’t switch energy providers, especially when prices increase.

Five reasons why people don’t switch energy providers, especially when prices increase.
Naming a child is one of life’s great pleasures. With the excitement of a new life arriving, comes the responsibility of ‘branding’ that life. It probably helps that this bit comes before all the screaming and sleepless nights! But how to choose a name? Which parent doesn’t pour over lists of names in baby books, just in case they stumble across a combination of letters that sets of some kind of sense that THIS is the right name for her child. In my case, my son was named after my grandfather (George), and despite the fact that my wife had sworn she would never have a child of that name after teaching a boy who was unimaginably unpleasant. My daughter’s name proved more difficult. As best I can recall Martha’s name was the result of reading a lot of girl’s names and a connection to a favourite song of that […]
Life runs in a strange cycle. At the outset you’re an infant reliant on the care of your parents. As you get slightly older you begin to explore the world under their watchful gaze: which is just as well because, with no knowledge of the world around you, you’re going to make plenty of mistakes. By your mid to late teens you’re fairly sure that you know all there is to know (the folly of which is reflected in the statistics that show the disproportionately high incidence of deaths involving young people and driving). Having got your first job you realise that you don’t know anything after all. A few years later you discover that no one else knows that much either. Freed from any anxiety about your limitations, you will briefly find yourself seeing the world and your position in it as it really is. Eventually, you reach the […]
‘Psychological what?’ you may well ask. OK, I may have just made up a new phrase for the marketing lexicon, but stick with me, and you’ll discover how you might just be able to make people perceive your products in a completely different way. I would define psychological product enhancement as something that improves the experience a product delivers to its customer by virtue of changing how the customer thinks about it, rather than necessarily by changing the physical product. This is something that goes on all the time, but we’re often so taken in by it that we don’t really notice. At the risk of creating two new marketing phrases in one day, I’d argue that most marketing is about congruent misattribution. When it comes down to it relatively few products have a genuine technical edge of the competition – and even if they do, relatively few of these […]
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