Language can be tricky. I remember when I was trying to encourage my three-year-old son to be more polite I encouraged him to say ‘pardon’ rather than ‘what’ when he hadn’t heard someone. This resulted in a very silly exchange. I asked him to pass me the pencil he had been using so that I could put it away. He was distracted by his task and hadn’t heard me. “What?” he asked. “Pardon!” I said, with an emphasis intended to convey the fact that I was correcting his choice of word. He missed the subtle inflection, looked at me with a trace of annoyance and said: “I said ‘what’”. When we use particular words we (hopefully) know what we’re trying to convey. But that doesn’t mean someone hears those words in the same way. It’s all a question of the associations a person’s mind makes with those words. Which in […]

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