Many young children, particularly boys, are obsessed with superlatives. What’s the biggest building, or the longest road; the fastest car, or the most valuable guitar (these are all questions that have been asked in my house). Fortunately, the internet makes answering such questions easy. And a book of facts and figures (like the Guinness Book of Records) is a guaranteed hit as a present: many hours will be spent marvelling at the information and, entertainingly, every now and then a new piece of trivia is thrown into conversation: a fact grenade to amaze and impress. One question, perhaps the one that is asked more often than any other, is usually impossible to answer: “Who or what is the best ______?” It could be anything: guitarist, tennis player, runner, swimmer, teacher… It’s apparent that such topics of conversation fuel many a playtime debate. Of course, the problem is that often there […]

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