So, having decided that I wanted to try and get my book published by a ‘proper/established/traditional’ publisher how do you decide who to send it to? I had undertaken a course (run by Kevin Hogan) that helped enormously with the development of the book and how I should approach getting it published, and which included some very good suggestions about what to say when you contacted a publisher, but that still leaves a very big world of publishing and me without much of a road map about where to start. One of the things I discovered quite quickly is that publishers and literary agents ‘prefer’ to have the chance to consider your submission on their own; in other words they aren’t keen on the idea of me carpet-bombing the industry with my book. It’s easy to see why this solus approach is in the interests of the publishers and agents […]
Gimme Some Money
Ok, I admit it. This blog has nothing to do with consumer behaviour. I tried to tie it in, honestly I did, but it would have been so tenuous, it’s better to come clean and say this is really all about a great night as a consumer of rock music of the silliest kind – ooh look, I said “consumer”! I was lucky enough to be invited to Spinal Tap’s recent “One Night World Tour”. Naturally they played two gigs because they also played at the Glastonbury festival. For those not ever so familiar with the work of Spinal Tap, or who would enjoy a reminder, here’s a brief taste of guitarist Nigel Tufnell being interviewed about Stonehenge (a subject that has been something of an obsession for the band and about which they wrote a song): The guys from Spinal Tap put on a hugely entertaining show… Had some special […]
Reading Behaviour
A lot of my work in understanding consumers is based on watching consumer behaviour; people do give away quite a lot. One of the reference points I also use quite a lot is children. They aren’t so adept at hiding their feelings and thoughts and so tend to reveal even more of what’s going on in their minds. Given that, psychologically speaking, a lot of what makes us tick is well established by the age of two, this provides a wonderful window of opportunity for insights into what’s going on. Here’s a behavioural example of the extent to which my daughter, aged four, likes reading. She first revealed that she could read at the age of two, she’d picked it up from being around her brother we suppose, we hadn’t spent any time teaching her. I think it’s fair to say that she enjoys reading! Philip Graves
Technorati Profile It turns out that setting up technorati is not as straightforward as it might be with WordPress. This blog is simply to give technorati the code it wants – hopefully I can delete it soon! Philip
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