Learning from Bus Buddhists
In psychological terms, context is almost everything. Much as we like to think that we know how we will act and react in a given situation, without the richness of...
Consumer Behaviour: Where’s the Reason?
I really appreciated all of the comments received in response to yesterday’s post and I wanted to pick up on one that, as a consumer behaviour expert, I found fascinating. It also was one of the last comments posted so people scanning through what others have said wouldn’t have seen it.
Mark (MarketingScoops) said: “I had an interesting shopping experience today. I had no intention of shopping but I received a 40% off one item special on my blackberry. Once I was in the store, I entered the shopping mode and bought 3 things. The super special got me in the store and completely changed my mindset.”
This reveals a couple of very interesting issues.
The way to enhance this understanding further is to apply what’s been discovered through studies in social psychology and neuroscience, which often help to explain our seemingly random acts of consumerism. And that’s the sort of thing I bring readers of my eZine (honestly, how can you resist signing up?!) Of course, once you start to develop this skill you can apply it to what you see your own customers doing.
Philip Graves
This is very true, the more we know the better able we are to resist and make good choices.
Bob Kaufer
Sign Up for My Free Neuro Performance E Course Here
Thanks for your answer to my query posted yesterday at the comment section there.
Consumers change their intention all the time even there are wasy to track their buying behavior.
John Ho
Numerology Expert Helps Understanding Personalities for Better Influence & Persuasion (WordPress Blog)
Numerology Expert Helps Understanding Personalities for Better Influence & Persuasion (Money Page)
Hi Phil,
Thats classic marketing strategy…my Dad used to use it to get people into his stores with a loss leader (made no profit on the sale) but the majority of people by with impulse so it was a very profitable ROI in customer value
And stores are set up in certain ways as to enhance the possibility of this impulse buying being even stronger in the majority as you would know
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40% off works for so many people. The buying decision is based on a need, just not a conscious one.
Christian Haller
The Art of Good Eating
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I have a similar reaction to Free Shipping if you spend over $75 type offers, I will often end up at $150…
Great points, they just need to get us in “Shopping Mode”.
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We are indictrinated and trained to consume and to react to consumer triggers. Knowledge can be curative so understanding our triggers can help us resist the pressure to buy things.
Steve Chambers, The Sales Expert
Are you a Sales Eagle?
Great point. The key for businesses is to find what triggers to that elusive “shopping mode”. I trust you share your consumer behaviour expert’s knowledge about these triggers in your ezine (yes, I opted in).
All the best,
I know we have many triggers to cause us to spend. How can you break them down and how many major triggers do you think we have?
Lynn Lane
Warrior Of Success Training
@Lynn Lane
So far I’ve identified around forty triggers that cause people to buy. The way you phrased your question has really got me thinking though; “how can you break them down…”. Classifying the ones I have would be a very helpful process – I’ll get to work on it. Thank you!
Fascinating. I learn a lot about my own spending habits from this blog!
JJ Jalopy.
How to become a coach with JJ Jalopy
so true. with my jewelry I have show specials that start at $5 and I have a lot of them. It begins a “shopping frenzy” and I get a big crowd at my booth, even if there is a small crowd at the show. A big crowd always seems to create the “what’s going on overthere” mentality?
Embarrassing and so absolutely true. I appreciate Mark’s candor in saying that because often we WANT to appear soooo much more logically driven than that and don’t exactly tell the truth.
Shopping and dating are SO much alike. I’ll just refrain from making a comparison right now. tee hee. But we can get into SHOPPING mode, too!
Best regards,
April Braswell
Dating Expert and Online Dating Coach
Grief and Divorce Recovery Seminar
I, too, have learned a lot about how I choose to spend from your posts. As per Lynn’s and your comments, it would be fascinating to become familiar with the 40 triggers that cause people to buy.
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I know for me, that when I started a meditation practice, stopped watching TV, listening to commercial radio, and started being more selective about what media information I did allow in, that I lost almost all urges to buy unnecessary things. I have always been a hard sell but now I have total control most of the time. I still have my desires but being aware of them is most of the battle.
We will always have desires(I hope)but I think the key is to be aware of and unattached to them. It’s hard to be an obedient consumer when you are awake.
So true, I am guilty of this as well. I spend twice as much as I plan to almost every week at the grocery store because I can’t resist the “deals.”
Lisa McLellan, Babysitting Services – Babysitters, Nannies, and Au-pairs
Great points…it’s got me aware of my own spending triggers, watching them at least.
Butterfly Marketing
Philip, I live by your suggestion. I have subscribed to your ezine for a while and find the information fascinating. I do as you say, “View your own behavior dispassionately. The only problem with that is that I sometimes realize what an ass I was:) Mark
Philip, I live by your advice. I have subscribed to your ezine for a while and find the information fascinating. I’m able to, as you say,”view our own behaviour dispassionately” The only problem with that is sometimes I realize what an ass I was 🙂 Mark
Philip,I live by your advice. I have subscribed to your very informative ezine for a while and have learned quite a bit. I also, as you say, have been looking at my own behaviour dispassionately. The only problem is I sometimes realize what an ass I have been 🙂 Mark
@mark mallen
Relax – it’s only your unconscious that’s an ass 😉
P.S. Thanks for the kind words on the eZine, having read the sage advice in your blog I really value your opinion.
Hi Phillip,
Yesterday I was walking to the post office to pickup a package that arrived for me. Something scary but interesting happened too me. I walked by a MacDonalds and saw the Golden M arch and instantly had a craving for golden fries and a burger. Funny thing is everytime I eat MacDonalds I’m sick for the rest of the day.
I was shocked that my brain reacted this way, but with your posts I have a better understanding why this occured.
Thanks for the great info and I’ve signed up for your ezine today to learn more.
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I know i’m in less control when i shop than i would like to admit. that’s why i grocery shop every other week
Don Shepherd
Oregon Flyfishing
Marks story seems strangely familiar… hmmm.
The only time I remember laughing and not buying anything was going to a furniture store. everything was 50% off. The problem was I still couldn’t afford THOUSANDS of dollars for an armoire.
Jen B
The Harwood Center – Tinnitus, Chronic Illness, Fears, and Anxiety
The Harwood Center Products
The % off advertisements don’t get me. However, I run into trouble when I buy one of something I think I need, and then am offered other related items that can help satisfy my “need”. I tend to keep buying in those instances. I’m going to have to do some soul searching in order to ascertain the subconscious impulses behind this behavior.
Health, Fitness — Darryl Pace
Fitness Product Review
Mall fever strikes again and it becomes even more frantic during holiday shopping when the contagion spreads.
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