Learning from Bus Buddhists
In psychological terms, context is almost everything. Much as we like to think that we know how we will act and react in a given situation, without the richness of...
Consumers: Reality is Over-rated
When it comes to understanding consumer behaviour there’s a tricky conundrum; a consumer’s perception of a brand is far more important than the reality of their experience.
You can’t trust people to account for their perceptions accurately.
So, how can you get any further forward if understanding consumers is important to you?
I’ll leave you to think about it and tell you more next time!
Philip Graves
There is no reality but perception.
Bob Kaufer
Z Health For Life
I think that we can’t rely on people to tell us anything accurate about what they do or why– they probably don’t even know. Better to see what they do.
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Asking people what they want and why is generally full of errors because they simply do not know. However, listen hard and watch and you’ll find their needs.
Christian Haller
Good point. I know owning a cellular business that consumers form preceptions very quickly and are almost impossible to change over a brand. I’ve had consumers come in and not even want to look at a Sony Ericsson brand because they heard that the brand was poor.
<a href=”www.faciliswireless.com/blog”<Mitchell Rehaume, BlackBerry Mobile Expert
I don’t know a thing about consumer behavior, so i always look forward to your posts.
Lisa McLellan, Babysitting Classes – Babysitters, Nannies, and Au-pairs
It’s like love.
We know we love him and are attracted to him. We just don’t really know the reasons why. we just think we do.
It’s because she smells a little like mom, but not too much. And she is beautiful, but not too beautiful. And bakes. and so on!
Best regards,
April Braswell
Dating Expert and Online Dating Coach
So true. We get better insights from observing and tracking what they actually do than by listening to what they say about their perceptions. I look forward to the next post.
All the best,
It’s been said that there is no truth, that there is only perception. It makes no difference to the water in the glass as to whether you see it half empty or half full-the water level stays the same.
Sorry, winked out of that early
Looking forward to the truth about consumers in your next blog!
Health, Fitness — Darryl Pace
Fitness Product Review
Philip, I think if you constantly deliver on a good experience for your customer, then you increase positive perceptions in their mind. You have more leeway if the customer has a rare less then ideal experience. Mark
I think that the more positive experiences you give a customer, the harder it is for them to negatively perceive your product. They are more forgiving if they have a less then stellar experience. Mark
The Only real reality is that which exists based on our own experience of what is happening around us and this is all filtered by our belief system
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Perception is more important than reality as far as consumer behavior or persuasion is concerned.
How true!
John Ho
Numerology Expert Helps Understanding Personalities for Better Influence & Persuasion (WordPress Blog)
Numerology Expert Helps Understanding Personalities for Better Influence & Persuasion (Money Page)
Hmm… interesting where you’re going with this.
I’ll tune in tomorrow to find out!
Love the blog.
JJ Jalopy.
Life Coaching and Home Business Advice with JJ Jalopy
I’ll give it serious thought until tomorrow.
Lynn Lane
I’m gonna sit quietly in tha back of the room and observe and learn.
Don Shepherd
Central Oregon Expert
Just ask a company that had a public relations disaster how important the perception of brand is to their bottom line. Watch them scramble to influence consumer behavior positively when something goes wrong.
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Perception of a person’s reality is everything
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David Power’s Hour
I agree with David.
Great Minds, Great Wealth: How to Raise your Return, Reduce your Risk, Cut your Cost
People can tell you what they think about why they make choices to buy but they really don’t know. They can tell you post facto but that is the reason their brain justifies it.