Learning from Bus Buddhists
In psychological terms, context is almost everything. Much as we like to think that we know how we will act and react in a given situation, without the richness of...
Sneak Preview: When Is a Fact Not a Fact
One of the challenges with studying consumer behaviour is that the behaviour itself is incontrovertible, but the interpretation of that behaviour is often much more open to debate: what caused what? What can be inferred from what happened
Recently, when I casually commented on a reported change in consumer behaviour, the person I was speaking to got quite indignant.
You can read about what happened and what I learned in the process here (it’s a sneak preview of one of the articles that will be in my next Mindshop! e-Zine, out tomorrow).
And linking to it here gives those who do read it a chance to comment if they would like to – I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Philip Graves
Looking forward to the ezine.
Bob Kaufer
Sign Up for My Free Neuro Performance E Course Here
Great article. It’s amazing how people get emotionally involved in this stuff!
I’ll wait by my emailbox for your e-Zine!
JJ Jalopy.
Coaching Mentoring Expert JJ Jalopy
How to become a coach with JJ Jalopy
It’s always the interpretation that causes the problems. I liked the article. It was a great look into how people get emotionally involved with things and how it biases their views.
Steve Chambers, The Sales Expert
Are you a Sales Eagle?
People get emotionally attached to the oddest things.
Christian Haller
The Art of Good Eating
Easy Italian Recipes
I’s a “fact” when people get emotionally attached to an idea…..regardless if they are right or not.
Don Shepherd
Oregon Flyfishing
Sometimes influencing someone to change their mind about a market trend can be as difficult as changing the direction of a large ship. Momentum carries them off course before they can get the thing turned around.
Business Owners Fast Track to Internet Profits
Great article.
I guess it’s human nature to let your emotions get involved.
Lynn Lane
Warrior Of Success Training
Once a person believes something, it makes no difference if that belief is based on truth or not.
Health, Fitness — Darryl Pace
Fitness Product Review
I guess that’s why the police always try and find multiple witnesses to a car wreck or crime. While the facts don’t change, people’s perceptions vary greatly.
Interesting post!
Invest in Your Future
Great Minds, Great Wealth: How to Raise your Return, Reduce your Risk, Cut your Cost
Personal Investment Strategies
Great approach to your topic…
Im inclined to agree..the sub concious operates from a
‘keep it safe
‘ point of view and when confronted with a threat to that safety, will react. In this day and age it’s not that saber tooth tiger sparking fight or flight its the economy.
Butterfly Marketing
Hi Phil,
Amazing thing the human mind! And i get more fascinated by the day! You have great insight into whats makes us tick
Looking forward to the next installment
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Philip, It is too bad some people cannot look at issues that effect their business without reacting emotionally.
There was an interesting study done on wine purchases at restaurants. When the expensive wine was put at the top instead of the usual bottom placement, the average wine sale went way up. Mark
this shows why businesses always need to be split testing everything…
Seize the Day,
Sales Eagles Soar Above the Competition!
Personal Asset Protection For Small Business Owners
Brilliant article, and great ezine. Very infightful and as afsvinating as your blog.
All the best,
I do get attached to ideas. You always have great information.
Lisa McLellan, Babysitting Services – Babysitters, Nannies, and Au-pairs
The ezine will be a welcome addition!!
David Power’s Hour
Expert in Hypnosis, Success Thinking and Practical Parenting