Technorati Profile
It turns out that setting up technorati is not as straightforward as it might be with WordPress.
This blog is simply to give technorati the code it wants – hopefully I can delete it soon!
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People who have Technorati accounts can click on your link above and then choose to Favorite your blog.
THey can do my two blogs here: favorite both please
Seize the Day,
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Yes there are a few bugs that would be much easier if possible
Learn Winning Persuasion
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the Mind with Persuasion Expert Duane Cunningham!
Wonder when we’re supposed to add the Technorati links?
John Ho
Numerology Expert Helps Understanding Personalities for Better Influence & Persuasion (WordPress)
Numerology Expert Helps Understanding Personalities for Better Influence & Persuasion (Vox Blog)
Will open a Technorati account asap.
Great Minds, Great Wealth: How to Raise your Return, Reduce your Risk, Cut your Cost
I will find out soon enough.
Lynn Lane
Not tracking on the Technorati thing at all – sounds like something else I need to get on top of.
Christian Haller
Technorati here I come!
Business Owners Fast Track to Internet Profits
i always wanted a red technorati with black interior. Sorry, it just sounds like a sports car. in a way it is.
Don Shepherd
oregon or bust
I agree with Don.
Good luck and hopefully this won’t be too painful!
Jen B
The Harwood Center – Tinnitus, Chronic Illness, Fers, Phobias, and Anxiety
Good luck, Philip, we are all going to have some war stories when this is over.
Philip, I tried to add register with Technorati and could not because of technical difficulties. I registerd the problem with them like they asked and never heard back. Mark
Good luck, Philip.
Health, Fitness — Darryl Pace
I need to understand Technorati better. Looking forward to it.
Bob Kaufer
Z Health For Life
I love Technorati!!!
Expert in Medical Hypnosis, Success Thinking and Practical Parenting
David Power’s Hour